Maintenance free earthing pit


  • Highly conductive earth pit backfill
  • Reduces soil resistivity by upto 90%
  • Long life and non corrosive.
  • independent of ambient moisture content hence work in all weather condition
  • Compatible with Any type of earthing electrodes, be it pipes, plates or rods of any materials
    can also be used in trench made for horizontal type earthing system
  • Can also be used in trenches made for horizontal type earthing system
  • increases total surface area of earthing electrode ensuring quick dissipation of fault currents
  • Maintains constant volume regardless of moisture content GEM earthing compound does not shrink or expand. it maintain constant contact with electrode and surrounding sail
  • Long shelflife can be stored for very long periods without deterioration
  • Environmental Friendly: does not Pollute or contaminate the water table
  • Ampress offered GEM compound is tested by NABL certified laboratory “Lucid” & Copper bonded steel rod is tested by NABL Certified laboratory “CPRI”