INSULECT SK-03 GradeVoltageMin DFT Required
INSULECT SK-03L5KV100 Microns
INSULECT SK-03M11KV300 Microns
INSULECT SK-03H22KV600 Microns
INSULECT SK-03UH33KV800 Microns

INSULECT SK-03 is a single component electric insulation coating designed to impart high electric strength for various electrical applications. When properly applied and dried, a tough film is formed over the surface. INSULECT SK-03 is highly hydrophobic in nature and is having excellent water repellent properties. INSULECT SK-03 film helps to reduce the leakage currents, resulting into reduction in contamination flashovers.

  • Di-Electric strength 33 KV/mm.
  • Stable up to 200 C Excellent resistance to UV radiation (suitable for outdoor exposure).
  • Excellent resistance to transformer oil.
  • Tough and Scratch resistant (excellent puncture resistant),  Excellent Corrosion Resistance
  • Quick Drying at Room Temperature